Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday Cheer
So... I sing. Didya all know that?? Probably, since 99.9% of the people who read this blog are my family and friends. Anywho... I was in a Christmas production this past weekend and I was given the privilege of singing two songs, one a duet and the other a trio. My fabulous dad watched the girls Saturday night so Yeadon could come to the performance. He was the one who took the video. It's not the greatest (not because of my husband, but just because...), but at least you can hear some of the song I sang with one of our local celebrities, Mike Alger, who is a local weatherman and our music leader at our church. After the performance on Saturday, my amazing husband took me out on a date! First one in a really long time... it was great! It was a great weekend, but I'm glad it's over (for some reason the songs I sang really stressed me out... oh well!) So here's one of my songs... Hope you like it!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Here's a funny story...
So, did you notice that I didn't post any Halloween pictures of the girlies? Well... Our church didn't have a Harvest Party this year and Yeadon was working, so I decided to dress the girls up and take them to some relatives' homes... Didn't quite work out that way (of course!) I'm not big into the Halloween scene. I just dont' like it, period. I struggled with allowing the girls to dress up, even if the costumes were not scary. But, I caved... My friend Nikki made this ADORABLE cow costume for her daughter a couple of years ago, so I asked if I could borrow it. Then I went to Savers and found a very cute cowboy dress and checkered shirt... Walmart and found the boots... Borrowed Daddy's cowboy hat... And I had an incredibly cute cow and cow-girl! However... when we arrived at Papa's house, no decent pictures could be had! We didn't make it to Yeadon's Dad's house (he was working), so the girls got to wear their "costumes" as we ran errands.... Still, no cute pictures! Suffice it to say, today I decided to get them dressed up again and here's what we got... Kayden is just too cute for words... but Kaelin... my little imp... Didn't want to cooperate, so you just get bits and pieces of what she wore.. Such is our life!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Look what I did!!!
So, I'm a crafter (when I have the time!) and I decided when we moved into this house almost three years ago that I would have a craft room. I was so excited... I had my own iron for my sewing projects, a room to house all my goodies, my own work space... Life was good! Then Yeadon started starching clothes again for the Academy... there went my iron because his didn't get hot enough... and the ironing board! What a disaster! Let's just say it could stand on it's own because of the amount of starch in it. And the burn stains... We're not even going there... So, a couple of weekends ago, I decided Yeadon needed his own ironing board and I needed a new cover for the old ironing board. So, I found this tutorial and went for it. It took about an hour and I'm thrilled with the results.
The fabric for my new cover came from Nikki, the sewing guru in my life. We did a fabric swap and this was some that I got. Cool, huh?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Trip to Apple Hill
We had a full house this past weekend! Yeadon's mom came up from California and brought our two nieces, Kailey and Kaydence. They came for Yead's graduation. It was crazy with four girls under 5 running around and all who have names that start with "K"! Anyway, I have been wanting to go to Apple Hill for years after having only gone one time in the past, so I planned a trip this past Saturday. We all piled into two cars and headed up to the mountains. Stacia, Yeadon's sister, met us there. It was great! The girls got their arms painted (instead of their faces because really, who LIKES having cracking paint on their face??), we picked pumpkins in a huge pumpkin patch, walked through a corn maze, and rode on a little train. We were going to pick apples, but MAN!! It was HOT up there! We all thought it would have been much cooler than it was, especially being in the mountains, but alas it was not! Suffice it to say, we had fun, the girls were exhausted by the end of the day, and we will be painting (or something) on our pumpkins this evening. Happy day to you!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Day at the Park
Life has been so crazy around here (as usual) and it seems that we are non-stop-go yet have little to show for it. So I took the girlies out the other day just to have fun. We went and got the truck washed (the girls were fascinated by the car wash!) and then we went to the park to play and feed the ducks. It seems like life has just been in a choatice holding pattern for us (with Yeadon in the Academy, the girls being sick, appointments all the time, etc.) and I wanted the girls to experience something fun and new. So off to Virgina Lake we went. Kayden and Kaelin loved it! Although Kaelin enjoyed eating the bread herself instead of throwing it to the ducks, overall, we all had fun... Until a group of four geese decided to bully the other 30 or so fowl that were contentedly eating our leftover hot dog buns... These bullying geese were so mean to all the others and then they tried to get at the girls! Kayden had to jump up on the bench I was sitting on and I kept swinging my empty plastic bag at them to make them go away... Suffice it to say, we left quickly and went to play at the playground. It was a great day spent with my favorite girls and I hope we can have a few more days like it before the weather turns too cold.

Monday, September 15, 2008
2008 Air Races
Can I just say that when you have kids you do things that never before interested you?? Air Races?? Does that sound fun to anyone else? When Yeadon told me that he wanted to take the girls to the Air Races, I was a bit skeptical. Not only did it not sound fun to me, but really... two kids under 3 watching airplanes fly around in a circle on a hot day?? Well, suffice it to say... It was a great day and we had a blast. (On a side note, Yeadon's mom moved out on Saturday and taking the girls to the races seemed to have helped the transition.) So in spite of my earlier thoughts on the Air Races, it turned out to be something I'd be willing to do again in the future (with different shoes, a comfortable chair to sit in, lots of water, something to eat...)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Reno Hot Air Balloon Races
So we decided to brave the dawn and get up at 4:30am to see the dawn patrol of the balloon races. FOUR THIRTY IN THE MORNING!!! Were we crazy??? At times, I wonder if we are... But, on to the balloon races. We got some decent pictures of the dawn patrol, and then... the batteries died on the camera. Such is life, right? So we didn't get any pictures of the kiddos all dressed in their snuggly clothes, but here are some pictures of some big balloons!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Labor Day Leisures
Yes, I know that it's a week after the fact. I know that I've been pretty remiss in my blogging. But... at least I do it when I can, right? So, here's some pictures of the girlies at the park. Yeadon knew of this great little park and after completing the work he needed to do for the week, we took the girls to go play. It was great! I love when we are able to spend time together as a family. Right now it seems those times are few and far between, but it's only for a season...

Monday, September 8, 2008
Oh, Yes, I did!
Can you believe how big my little girl is getting?? I was able to put her hair in french braids the other day... She looked like a big girl! We had some, um, well 2-year old moments trying to get her to sit still... But it was worth it! I'm growing her bangs out, cuz I just don't do bangs and I was getting a little tired of the same ol' hairdos... So I tried the braids and was thrilled.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bike Ridin' Beauties
So we decided to get Kayden a bike. Yep, that's right. However... I tried her on a "big girl" bike, the ones with training wheels and all the bells and whistles... It just didn't work for her. So, I got her this mock-BigWheels type bike.. She LOVES it! Her feet can't quite make it to the pedals, but she doesn't mind. She just pushes herself around and goes "off roading" in the dirt of our backyard. I thought about getting Kaelin a bike as well, but we have this Pooh car that was Kayden's so we just took it outside and let her at it. She loved it, too. It was fun watching them experience something new.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sandy Fun...
Grandpa Roy and Grandma LeeAnn got this sandbox and all the toys for the girls' birthdays. They LOVE IT! They haven't played in it much because I've been worried that without a backyard they would get into trouble playing outside. But ya know what? It's OK if they play outside in the dirt of our backyard. They need to have fun outside and at least I know they are contained. So here's to dirty fun! Play on girls, play on.
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