Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sweet Scenes

I decided to try and organize the girls' toy box... Yeah... That was fun!! I got all these plastic storage boxes to make getting toys out of the box easier. Good concept... until the storage boxes become toys themselves!! Kaelin is so proud of herself when she can accomplish something new on her own, like getting into this box! She's also been getting on Kayden's toddler bed and thinking she's the coolest thing since sliced bread.
I love how Kayden is warming up to Yeadon!! This past Saturday she climbed onto the couch with Yeadon after she got up in the morning and watched t.v. with him. It was such a sweet sight to see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenn..that pic of Yeadon and Kayden is a tangible hold on the scripture "to everything there is a season" Praise God for he is faithful! He is breathing life into their relationship!

Love, Dayna