For those of you who don't know my dad, this is him! He absolutely adores Kaelin and she him. I'm so grateful that God brought us our daughter; I never thought that children could bring so much joy to everyone's lives!
So, I bet you're wondering what this is all about, huh? Every time Jeremy and Stacia come and visit with the girls or we go visit them at their house, I bring Kaelin's bouncing chair. Kaydence is always fascinated by it, sooooo.... I decided to let her try it. It was HILARIOUS! She would bounce, then lift her legs and swing, then bounce again. The chair was as high as it would go and she stood her full height in it, yet she still wanted to bounce. She was out of breath when I finally pulled her out. It almost seems that the older children get, the more they want to play with baby toys...