Have you ever wanted that one special, perfect, amazing picture?? And you wait and you click away on your camera, hoping against hope that you'll finally get it? You've dressed your children so "cutely" and they're being so, well, you know... Well, try having an 8 month old and a 21 month sit still long enough to get a sweet picture on Valentine's day. Ain't gonna happen, and it surely didn't happen. But here's to good efforts and adorable children. I hope everyone is having a fabulous V-Day full of lots of love, laughter, and enjoyment of life!

I did not prompt Kayden Grace to kiss Kaelin. She did that all on her own... After kissing Kaelin, she decided that my knee needed a kiss as well... and the floor...and the bed...and the cabinets in the bathroom... Aren't kiddos the best??
I was hoping you would get a V day pic up. and now you know why i haven't gotten my girls pics done in over a year. good attempts though.
Can't wait to see you guys next weekend. HAPPY V DAY!!
BTW- I want a purse.
That is to cute...It is fun to see the two of them together even if it only last for a second or two! The pics are great. Thanks for sharing.
Love & Blessings
LeeAnn a.k.a. YahYah
It looks like your two daughter just can't sit still. Those arms are going everywhere.
what a great video Jenn...wow - I just look at you and the hand of God is so heavy on your life...what an honour it has been to witness two such tangable miracles... Love, Dayna
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