Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Stress Relief
One of the things I do for stress relief is sew. You all probably know that, but I thought I just reiterate the fact... I love to sew! I have only been sewing for about 6 years, but I can't imagine not doing it... It relaxes me, almost like reading a book. So, since the beginning of the year, I've tried to get some sewing done here and there. I made the skirt for Kayden, my pin cushion, and here are some other things...

This is my notetaker... I made 7 of these babies for Christmas gifts this year and I never got around to making myself one. I needed something to hold my work calendar and business cards, so I made myself this beauty. I love it! The colors and prints are SO me!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This cannot be my baby!! How did she grow up so fast?? She has gotten in the habit of taking her diaper off AFTER she's already done her business and then she goes to the potty... Geez! Kayden was so easy to potty train. She doesn't like to be dirty so going potty was just an easy thing for her. Kaelin, on the other hand... She's just a goofball and when she's ready, she'll get it. As for the pacifer... I know, I KNOW! I'm done with it too! Hopefully by her second birthday she'll be weaned and life can go on without the paci.... One can only hope...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
FINALLY!!! Back, Again!
Can I just say that the last few months of our lives have been nuts? The holidays threw us for a loop, especially with Yeadon's crazy schedule. On top of making almost all the gifts this year, making Christmas dinner, singing for Christmas Eve, and just the general hubbub of the holiday season, all of us seemed to be sick at some point. I have known my husband for almost 13 years and he has NEVER been as sick as he has been in the last few months. Some say it's because we now have kiddos, but he's pretty sure it's because of the choas that has been his work schedule for the last 4 months. He is currently getting over some nasty crud that seems to be lingering... Such is life, right? So without further ado... I give you a variety of pictures taken over the last few months. We have a little bit of Christmas, some projects that I completed, and a couple of recent pics of my beautiful girlies (taken today!). I hope you enjoy!

Yeadon and I celebrated our family Christmas with just the girls before the Christmas Eve service at church, hence the dressy clothes of the girls.

I made both of the girls special PJ's for Christmas. When I was a little girl, my mom would always get me new PJ's and I would get to open them Christmas Eve. I made Kayden a nightgown, which she LOVES, and Kaelin a matching top and bottom set. I LOVE this flannel print. The yellow is just perfect for Kayden, and Kaelin's is a red with pink apples.
I just made this pin cushion... and I love it! It's huge and fabulous.
I made this stripwork skirt for Kayden. She picked out the black print with yellow butterflies and I picked out the rest. The moment she saw it done she wanted to wear it... so I let her. Didn't get a picture of her in it though... she wouldn't stop twirling around and dancing like a princess. Suffice it to say, she loves it and I love that she loves it.

And these last pictures were taken today. It feels like I just haven't had the time to get down on the ground and play with my girls, so today I canceled everything and spent one on one time with two of the most important people in my life. It was great! We played blocks, we made houses, we knocked houses down... When Yeadon got up we all loaded up in the car, got a pockeful of quarters and headed to the mall to ride the kiddy rides. It was fun. It felt like an eternity had passed us by since the last time we just stopped all the busyness and spent time together. It's not for a lack of love or want, it's just life. Yeadon's schedule is crazy nuts until he is done with his training. I have four home studies on my plate (which is WAY too many with two kiddos), I hosted my BUNCO group last night (11 other women whom I fed and entertained), and to top it off, I have a nasty case of hives (I know, too much info!) I wanted today to be mine, with my girls and my hunny, and that's what I got. We needed it desperately! I have recently been told (not for the first time, mind you) that I take on too much and I never ask for help. It's true, and I know it. I just don't want to burden others with things that I feel I should be able to take care of and do for myself. But, alas, my body has said otherwise... Hives! Goodness! Even though the doc at the Urgent care said they were probably not caused by stress, there's nothing else in my life that I think could have caused them. I don't really know what to do about the stress, but I do know that I have to take time for my family and put all the other stuff on the sidelines for a time. Once my four home studies are done, I'm taking a little break. Thank goodness I only have to host my BUNCO group once a year... it would probably kill me to do it more often! Ok... I know... Enough about the inner thoughts of Jenn's head... I hope you guys like the update, and I really do want to try and keep this blog a little more updated!
Yeadon and I celebrated our family Christmas with just the girls before the Christmas Eve service at church, hence the dressy clothes of the girls.
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